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中文 英文
a couple;right;correct;a pair
对手 rival
对齐 align
对流 convection
对立 to be opposed to each other
对抗 to oppose;against
对句 distich
对劲 in the right;get along well
核对 to check;to verify
反对 to object;to oppose
对坐 sit opposite
对著 toward
对峙 to confront each other
对证 to verify
对折 50% discount
对仗 verbal parallelism
对象 boy or girl friend
对头 opponent
对换 make exchange
对付 to deal with
对调 to exchange
对等 on an equal footing
对待 to treat
对称 symmetry
查对 to check;to verify
不对 incorrect
相对 face-to-face;opposite;relative
配对 to mate;to pair
对半 half
校对员 proof-reader
相对论 the theory of relativity
面对面 face to face
对不起 excuse me;to be sorry
对台戏 rival show
对讲机 interphone

中文 英文
反对 argue against
面对 be up against
核对 check back
核对 check off
核对 checkback
反对 in opposition to
反对 oppose to
v.对照 contradistinguish
大声反对 cry out against
竭力反对 kick against
无法对抗 no match for
绝对不行 not on your life
屏蔽对绞线 STP
n.绝对化 absolutization
n.绝对值 absolute value
n.对耳屏 antitragus
对某事生气 be angry at
对某人生气 be angry with
对..适合 be appropriate for
对..疯狂 be crazy about
对..好奇 be curious about
对..失望 be disappointed in
对..忠实 be faithful to
错误;不对 be in the wrong
对..愤怒 be mad at
对..敏感 be sensitive to
对..小心 beware of
n.核对表 check list
检查;核对 check up
n. 对垒 contravallation
n.对日照 counterglow
n. 对轴 countershaft
n.对日照 gegenschein
违反;反对 go against
对..刻薄 hard on
n. 对数 logarithm
结婚;成对 pair off
对..偏见 prejudice against
反抗;反对 reluct
反对;矛盾 repugnance
n.相对论 theory of relativity
对..吼叫 yell at
n.绝对湿度 absolute humidity
n.绝对高度 absolute altitude
n. 对耳轮 antihelix
n. 逆对数 antilogarithm
对..必要的 be essential to
对..有敌意 be hostile to
对..感兴趣 be interested in
n. 对角线 catercorner

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