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中文 英文
中将 lieutenant general;air marshal
少将 major general in army,air force and marine corps
上将 a full general
良将 good general
将帅 commanding general
将领 general
将军 general;to embarrass
败将 defeated general

中文 英文
即将 be about to
将" OS系统提示符的形式
即将 on the point of
在将来 in the future
n. 将 lallation
n. 将 orthicon
预备;即将 be ready to
将..连起来 connect .. with
将要..时候 at the point of
将..应用於 apply .. to
n.特级上将 general of the armie
n.陆军中将 lieutenant general
n.陆军少将 major general
n.海军中将 vice admiral
n.将领的才能 generalship
计入;将算在内 reckon in
n.空军五星上将 general of the air f
v.将器官由腹取出 exteriorize
adj.将要绝种的 endangered
v.将..译成密码 encrypt
v.将(食物)细嚼 Fletcherize
即将到来;在手边的 at hand
conj. 有,将 hadorwould
n.阵亡将士纪念日 memorial day
将..瞪得无法招架 outstare
n.将官的随身侍从 personal staff
v. 将切除,割除 resect
v.将(皱纹)弄平 unwrinkle
General 将军 Gen.
n. 陆军准将,准将 brigadier
v.将汽车油门踏到底 floorboards
v.将汽车油门踏到底 floorboarding
v.将汽车油门踏到底 floorboarded
n.大将军;罗马皇帝 imperator
v.安慰;将物体弄平 unruffle
conj. 将,愿意 would
n.陆军五星上将;元帅 general of the army
v.将某物中之碳素除去 decarburize
n.哥萨克兵将军的职权 hetmanate
v. 将...加上括弧 parenthesize
a. 将腐烂的,腐败的 putrescent
v.将..分层;分成细层 delaminate
v.[电脑]将资料数字化 digitize
n.海军代将;舰队司令官 commodore
a. 即将来临的,逼近的 imminent
n. 产于淡水的将科小鱼 killifish
n. 救主即将降临之信仰 messianism
面对处理;将..加以考虑 reckon with
n.将军的阶级[任期;任命 generalcy
v.将一个字或片语变为副词 adverbialize

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