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中文 英文
罐头 can;canned goods
关头 a key point
骨头 bone;guts
工头 overseer;foreman
额头 forehead
对头 opponent
渡头 ferry
点头 to nod
弹头 bullet;warhead
带头 to lead
床头 bedside
插头 plug
会头 leader of a private banking cooperative
喉头 larynx
空头 to sell short;phony
磕头 to kowtow
镜头 camera lens;shot
接头 to know about;to connect;to join
老头 old man
榔头 a hammer
来头 interest;connections;backing
苗头 indication
眉头 eyebrow
墙头 top of a wall
平头 block without indentation;crew cut
片头 titles of a film
碰头 to meet;to crash on head
拳头 fist
抬头 to raise one's head
梳头 to comb one's hair
手头 one's financial condition
石头 rock;stone
山头 mountain top;hilltop
剃头 to have one's head shaved
头版 front page
头寸 cash
头号 number one
头奖 the first prize
头巾 kerchief
头领 leader
头目 chief
头饰 headdress
头疼 headache
头绪 clues
头晕 dizzy
头子 chief
秃头 bald head;bald-headed
行头 costumes and props for the stage
丫头 maidservant;girl
摇头 to shake one's head

中文 英文
床头柜 bedstand
n.头巾 bashlyk
n.平头 butch haircut
黑头粉刺 comedones
n.头音 head voice
n.头巾 headkerchief
n.领头 jacket collar
领头;邀 lead out
口头回答 oral response
n.喉头 voice box
一年到头 year in and year out
n. 头巾 babushka
n. 斧头 ax
n.核弹头 atomic warhead
n.白头鹰 bald eagle
n.避头尾 Kinsoku
n. 头韵 alliteration
n.披头族 beat generation
n.床头灯 bedlamp
n.床头灯 bedside lamp
n. 骨头 bone
n. 头盖 brainpan
n.偏头痛 brow ague
n.黑馒头 brown bread
n. 柱头 chapiter
以头饰戴之 coiffure
n.头期款 down payment
n.人头牌 face card
n. 老头 geezer
n.人头税 head money
n.包头巾 headcloth
n. 络头 headstall
n.大头盔 heaume
n.偏头痛 hemicrania
n.烧羊头 jemmy
n. 喉头 larynx
n.懒骨头 lazybones
n.长头人 longhead
n. 乳头 mammilla
n. 锤头 peen
n.枕头战 pillow fight
n.枕头套 pillowcase
n. 犁头 plowshare
n. 芋头 taro
n. 奶头 teat
n.长镜头 telephoto lens
街头公告员 town crier
n. 弹头 warhead
n.白头翁 windflower
n.白头翁 wood anemone

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