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中文 英文
difference;short of;mistake;to send;different from
邮差 postman;mailman
信差 mailman
相差 difference
顺差 surplus
偏差 deviation
交差 to report the completion of an assignment
公差 official assignment
差异 difference;discrepancy
差使 to dispatch;to appoint
差遣 to send;to assign;to dispatch
差额 the balance--the difference between two sums
差错 mistake;accident

中文 英文
种差 differentiae
n.信差 letter carrier
n.兼差 moonlighting
n. 出差 evection
n.开小差 absquatulater
n. 邮差 mailman
n. 邮差 postman
n. 邮差 postmen
n.千秒差距 kiloparsec
n.贸易逆差 trade deficit
n.贸易差额 trade gap
逐字;一字不差 ad verbum
n.屈光参差症 anisometropia
a. 无收差的 anastigmatic
n.贸易的差额 balance of trade
n.色差;像差 chromatic aberration
n.骑马的信差 estafette
v. 区别,差别 differentiate
n. 不同,差异 difference
差;不擅长於.. be weak in
n. 无收差透镜 anastigmat
n. 视差,视差 parallax
n.热电;温差电 thermoelectricity
n.邮差背包;邮袋 mailbag
n.无色彩;消色差 achromatization
n.无色;消色差性 achromatism
n. 苦差事,苦工 drudgery
n. 共分散,协方差 covariance
n. 差劲的运动选手 palooka
n.热电偶;温差电偶 thermoelectric coupl
n.热电偶;温差电偶 thermoelectric pair
adj.视差的;变位的 parallactic
n. 相差,差异,差别 discrepancy
n. 任务,差使,使命 errand
n.驿传者;骑马的邮差 postrider
n. 先行,优先,岁差 precession
n. 游隙,气擦,偏差 windage
v. 逃走,溜脱,开小差 absquatulate
n. 差别,岐视,辨别力 discrimination
n. 相异,不同,差异性 otherness
n. 配色,色调,细微差别 nuance
n.按日给予津贴;出差津贴 per diem
n. 方位角计,磁针偏差计 declinometer
a. 有辨识力的,有差别的 discriminatory
n.邮差;第一列左马之骑者 postboy
n. 平衡,差额;v. 平衡 balance
a. 明暗差别强烈的,硬调的 contrasty
adv.有辨别力地;有差别地 discriminatingly
a. 相差的,有差异的,矛盾的 discrepant
a. 尚好的,差强人意的,颇的 goodish

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