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中文 英文
自强 self-renewal
增强 strengthen;reinforce
强壮 hardy;stout
强制 to force;to coerce
强硬 tough;hard line
强行 by force
强身 to enhance the health
强人 strong man;highwayman
强抢 to snatch;to rob
强烈 fierce
强健 physically strong
强国 powerful country
强夺 take by force
强调 to stress;to emphasize
强盗 bandits;robber
强暴 to rape;violence;ferocious adversary
勉强 to undertake reluctantly
康强 healthy and strong
坚强 strong;firm
逞强 to make vigorous effort

中文 英文
强夺 disseize
强夺 disseizor
强调 lay stress on
强迫退场 bowl out
n.强烈 fierceness
n.中强 mezzo forte
n. 强盗 bandit
重视;强调 make a point of
a. 强烈的 consuming
n.强盗帮员 dakoit
a. 强磁性 ferromagnetic
n. 强磁性 ferromagnetism
n.强光油灯 lucigen
v.过分强调 overemphasize
n.强权外交 power politics
a. 强求的 pushy
n.再度强调 reemphasis
n.抗张强度 tensile strength
使紧密;加强 tighten up
困难;使强壮 toughen up
vbl. 强迫 coercing
n. 强迫劳役 corvee
n. 强盗帮员 dacoit
n.增加;加强 enhancer
n.奴役;强制 enslavement
n.强直性痉挛 entasia
n. 强盗,贼 heister
n.强盗;劫盗 highjacker
n. 强烈逆风 noser
adv.倔强地 perversely
n.援助;增强 reenforcement
n.援助;强固 reinforcement
v. 强迫,迫使 compel
n. 强迫,强制 compulsion
n. 强盗,土匪 banditi
n.强留人谈话者 buttonholder
adv.强烈地, consumingly
n.不服从;倔强 contumacy
v. 强人脱裤子 debag
n.强拍;第一拍 downbeat
对..抱强硬态度 feel strongly agains
n.[医]强饲法 gavage
n.强盗;流浪者 gentleman of the roa
n.耐久力;顽强 hardiness
n. 硬要,强求 importunity
n. 磁场强度的 oersted
n. 过分的强调 overemphasis
遽变的;硕大强健的 chopping
n.强烈炸药的一种 cheddite
n. ;v. 强打 biff

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