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中文 英文
党员 party member
裁员 to reduce the staff;retrenchment;to lay off worker
动员 to mobilize
官员 official
雇员 employee
教员 teacher
舰员 marines
人员 personnel
球员 ball player
团员 member of a group
会员 members of an association
委员 commission;a deputy
学员 student;trainee
议员 congressman;councilman
演员 performer
指挥员 commander
招待员 receptionist
研究员 research fellow;research worker
校对员 proof-reader
卫生员 a medical orderly
委员制 council government
推销员 salesman or saleswoman
管理员 a superintendent
观察员 an observer
誊写员 scribe
速记员 stenographer
税务员 tax collector
售货员 salesclerk
收票员 ticket collector
审计员 auditor
评论员 commentator
联络员 a liaison officer
救生员 lifesaver
警卫员 bodyguard
剪票员 gateman
监票员 poll watcher
记分员 scorekeeper;marker
技术员 technician
会员证 membership card
公务员 civil servant
飞行员 pilot
翻译员 an interpreter;a translator
登记员 registrar
保管员 storeman
成员国 a member state
抄写员 copyist
查帐员 auditor

中文 英文
当队员 be on the team
同性成员 MOTSS
纳粹党员 brown shirts
n.译电员 code clerk
n. 委员 committeeman
n.女委员 committeewoman
n. 机员 crewman
n.送货员 deliveryman
n. 译员 dragoman
n.守门员 goalie
n.救生员 life guard
n.收票员 lobbyman
n.女店员 midinette
n.动员令 mobilization order
n.税务员 tax collector
n.报务员 telegraph operater
n.话务员 telephone operator
n.试飞员 test pilot
街头公告员 town crier
n.裁判员 ump
n. 女演员 actress
n.民权党员 Whig
n.救护人员 ambulanceman
n.人民党员 Populist
n.候补球员 bench warmer
n. 簿记员 bookkeeper
n. 出纳员 cashier
n.电码译员 codebreaker
n. 委员会 committee
n.强盗帮员 dakoit
n.教育官员 educrat
n.垒裁判员 field umpire
n.救火队员 fire fighter
n. 巡视员 floorwalker
n.杂耍演员 geek
n. 守门员 goalkeeper
n.地勤人员 ground crew
n.卫生人员 health officer
n.女陪审员 jurywoman
n.後卫球员 linebacking
n. 翻译员 linguister
n.海员法庭 marine court
n.治安人员 peace officer
n.校对人员 press corrector
n.下院议员 private member
n. 裁判员 ref
n. 研究员 researcher
n. 陪审员 venireman
n.脱党的议员 Adullamite
n.光明会会员 Illuminaten

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