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中文 英文
to suffer from;to harm;to injure
伤害 to harm;to hurt;to injure
杀害 to kill;to murder
侵害 infringement;to encroach on
迫害 to persecute
利害 gains and losses
厉害 fierceness;serious damage
祸害 evil;harm
害臊 shy;bashful
害喜 morning sickness;pregnant
害怕 to be scared;to fear;to be afraid
害处 disadvantage;harm;shortcomings
公害 public nuisance
妨害 to jeopardize;to impair
除害 destroy evil
虫害 damages caused by insects
残害 to injure
有害 harmful
无害 harmless
损害 damage or loss
弊害 damage;harm
被害人 the victim
受害人 victim
病虫害 blight

中文 英文
害怕 be afraid of
切碎;伤害 cut up
n. 害虫 vermin
a. 害羞的 bashful
苦於;受害於 labour under
n. 毒害者 poisoner
n.政治迫害 witch hunt
v.虐待;伤害 disserve
n.灾难;有害 balefulness
v. 驱除害虫 disinfest
n.伤害;有害 harmfulness
adv.有害地 hurtfully
n.损害;损伤 impairment
v.妨害;阻碍 incumber
n.恶意;有害 malignance
n.恶意;有害 malignancy
n.有害;有毒 nocuousness
v.伤害;损毁 tear at
n. 陷害,欺骗 circumvention
v. 绕行,陷害 circumvent
n. 损伤,损害 damnification
n. 可怕,厉害 fearfulness
v.恐吓;使害怕 gallow
n. 妨害,障碍 holdback
n. 迫害,烦扰 persecution
n.被迫害妄想症 persecution mania
v.使入圈套;陷害 entoil
n. 一种有害幼虫 earworm
n.黑羊;害群之马 black sheep
n.人身伤害;殴打 assault and battery
n.损害者;伤害者 impairer
n.损害赔偿;补偿 indemnity
adj.毒害神经的 neurotoxic
n.暗杀;谋财害命 thuggery
a. 有害于,有毒的 deleterious
n.用妖术害人的巫师 cacomagician
a. 有害的,恶意的 baleful
n.以卑鄙的手段陷害 backstabber
v.以卑鄙的手段陷害 backstab
a. 有害的,伤害的 harmful
adj.对木材有害的 ligniperdous
a. 胆小的,害羞的 pigeonhearted
n. 受害人,牺牲者 victim
v. 伤,损害,弄坏 vitiate
其幼虫有害於叶子之蛾类 egger
adv.灾难地;有害地 balefully
adv.致害地;有毒地 banefully
付给被害人家属之抚恤金 blood money
n.引起损害之人或事物 hurter
v.危害;使陷入危险中 imperil

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