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中文 英文
体察 to experience and observe
视察 to inspect;inspection;to survey
督察 to superintend;to supervise
洞察 to see clearly
察觉 to find;to discover
察出 find out that
侦察兵 a scout
考察团 investigation team
纠察队 a band of pickets
警察局 county police headquarters
检察官 attorney
监察权 power of control
观察员 an observer
观察家 observer

中文 英文
观察到 become conscious of
觉察到 be on to
n.警察 flic
n.警察局 kotwalee
看见;洞察 catch the vision of
n.反侦察 counterreconnaissanc
观察;留心 be observed
n.警察局 police office
n. 警察 policeman
n. 警察 policemen
n.检察官 prosecuting attorney
n.州检察官 State's attorney
n.交通警察 point constable
n.警察总局 police headquarters
n.警察国家 police state
n.交通警察 traffic cop
观光;仔细察看 look round
n.侦察;搜索 recce
v.侦察;勘查 reconnoiter
v.侦察;勘查 reconnoitre
n.土耳其警察 zaptiah
n.空中照相侦察 photoreconnaissance
n.郡之警察局长 chief constable
n.平底鞋;警察 flattie
n.实地考察旅行 field trip
n.地方法院检察官 district attorney
n.幻灯机;观察者 viewer
[计算机] 可观察性 observability
n.警察局(印度的) kotwali
n. 警察局长,市长 kotwal
n.总军法官;检察官 judge advocate
n.(中国的)监察院 control yuan
v.重新视察;再考察 reinspect
n.重新视察;再考察 reinspection
n.首席检察官;检察长 attorney general
n.实地调查;实地考察 field survey
adj.观察的;观测的 observational
n. 观察,注目,观测 observation
n. 勘漏,失察,失败 oversight
adj.访问的;巡察的 visitorial
v. 观察,遵守,注意到 observe
n. 颖慧,聪明,洞察力 perspicacity
n. 看更人或警察的木棒 nightstick
n. 侦察,搜察,勘察队 reconnaissance
a. 不察觉的,不知道的 unware
n. 侦探,间谍活动,侦察 espial
n.盖世太保;纳粹秘密警察 Gestapo
n.野鸟观察者;鸟类观察家 bird watcher
示威或罢工行列;罢工纠察队 picket line
adv.可知觉地;可察觉地 perceivably

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