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中文 英文
fine;good;nice;all right;to love to;easy
更好 better
搞好 to settle;to do well
刚好 exactly;to happen to
爱好 interest;to love;hobby
好汉 hero;true man;brave man
好感 favorable impression
好动 very active and restless
好静 sedative;quiet
好球 well played;good shot;bravo
好奇 curious;eager to know
好玩 interesting;full of fun;lovable
好意 kindness;to mean well
好笑 funny;laughable
嗜好 hobby
甚好 very good;very well
美好 fine;happy
蛮好 quite good
叫好 to praise;to applaud
较好 better
癖好 addiction
正好 just enough;just in time;just right
愈好 still better
友好 friendship;friendly
相好 good friend;to have a love affair with
说得好 well-said
好兆头 very auspicious beginning
好消息 good news
好时光 a good time
好日子 something like a day
好莱坞 hollywood
好家伙 what a powerful blow
好机会 a good chance
好不好 won't you;okay;is it all right

中文 英文
最好 may as well
很好地 commendably
成绩好 do well in
装配好 fit in
好;可以 all right
n.好汉 bawcock
好的食物 chicken fixings
成绩不好 do poorly in
心情不好 in bad mood
对..好奇 be curious about
爱好;参予 go in for
爱好;提出 have a taste for
非常好色的 hypersexual
讨好;接近 make up to
n.好打听 nosiness
出於好奇心 out of curiosity
n. 好斗 pugnacity
与人相处甚好 be in with
在最好的状态 at one's best
n.秩序良好 eunomy
n. 好盐菌 halophile
n.好色之徒 lewdster
好坏参半之事 mixed blessing
a. 好吃的 tasty
谢谢您的好意 thank you for your k
对..有好感 think well of
adv.很好 very good
n.好;了不起 bang on
n.同伴;好友 China plate
a. 脑筋好的 brainy
n.好吹牛的人 cacafuego
ad. 好奇地 curiously
n.好学;好奇 curiousness
做好事;有益於 do good
n.爱好工作者 ergophile
n. 消化良好 eupepsia
对..非常喜好 have a passion for
有需要;销路好 in demand
n.美好的事物 niceness
n.好偷看的人 peeping tom
n.好色;淫乱 prurience
n.好色;淫乱 pruriency
代我向..问好 remember me to
n.好战;好打架 bellicosity
n. 好奉迎的人 adulator
adj.准备好的 apoise
n. 粪便嗜好症 coprophilia
n.美术品爱好者 curioso
n. 极好的东西 dilly
adj.好争论的 dissentious

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