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中文 英文
to reply;to respond;newspaper;telegram;report;jour
报警 to report an incident to the police
报夹 newspaper clip
报馆 newspaper office
报告 speech;to report;report
报费 newspaper subscription bill
报到 to report for duty
报答 to repay
报酬 reward;pay
禀报 to report to a superior
阅报 to read newspaper
预报 to forecast
学报 journal
虚报 to make a false statement
通报 bulletin;to circulate a notice
申报 to report to a higher authority
警报 alarm
剪报 newspaper clipping;to take a clipping a newspaper
回报 to return for report;to repay a favor or injury
谎报 to report falsehood;to lie about something
壁报 wall poster;wall newspaper
报帐 to render an account
报喜 to announce good news
报时 tell the time
登报 to publish in the newspaper
播报者 announcer
报名处 registration office
反情报 counter-intelligence
发警报 give the alarm
发报机 telegram transmitter

中文 英文
剪报 press cutting
报告 report on
报时 tell time
n.晚报 evening paper
n.剪报 press clipping
v.报应 recoil on
传达报告 report back
n. 简报 briefing
n.报关单 bill of entry
n.报关行 customs broker
n.情报局 intelligence office
报复;退还 kick back
n.报务员 telegraph operater
n.发报机 telegraph transmitte
n.警报网 warning network
n.电子情报 elint
n. 真理报 Pravda
n. 书报摊 bookstall
n.施政报告 command paper
n.女送报生 newsgirl
n.早餐会报 power breakfast
a. 报应的 retributive
n.发报电键 telegraph key
n.报纸标题 top line
n.警报信号 warning signal
n.空袭警报 yellow alert
n.公报;官报 communique
n.报馆检稿员 copycutter;报纸 courant
n.电报密码本 codebook
n.电动报时器 chronopher
核票登机;报到 check in
n.自动报警器 autoalarm
v.报告;通知 apprize
v.报告;通知 apprise
n.报仇;复仇 avengement
n.传真电报机 facsimile telegraph
以作..的回报 in return for
n.警报;警钟 larum
n. 信件电报 lettergram
n.误报;误传 misinformation
a. 须申报的 notifiable
n.报复;复仇 revanche
n. 电报传真 telautogram
n.电报传真术 telautography
n.电报;电信 telegram
n.专业性报纸 trade paper
n. 作业报告 workpaper
n. 薪资,报酬 emolument
adj.应申报的 declarable

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