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中文 英文
to rob;to seize
抢劫 to rob;robbery
抢夺 to seize;to snatch
强抢 to snatch;to rob
抢走 to rush-repair
抢先 to forestall
抢去 to snatch;to wrest
抢镜头 to steal the show

中文 英文
抢先 lead up
n.持械抢劫 armed robbery
n.赃物;抢夺 reif
n.带走;抢走 asportation
n.爱抢镜头的人 lens louse
n.拦路抢劫的匪徒 gentleman of the pad
抢劫;举起..展示 hold up
n.抢劫;土匪行为 brigandage
n.抢劫金库者;盗贼 yeggman
n. 抢劫金库者,强盗 yegg
v. 抢劫,劫持,揩油 hijack
n.绞杀者;勒杀抢劫的强盗 garrotter
n.绞杀者;勒杀抢劫的强盗 garroter
v. 自家里赶出,抢夺住宅 dishouse
v.抢劫[走私卡车等];劫持 highjack
v. 抢去衣服,使脱去衣服,剥光 unclothe
n. 掠夺,抢劫,掠夺物;v. 掠夺,抢劫 pillage
n. 强夺,拦劫,抢劫;v. 强夺,拦劫,抢劫 heist
n. 抢夺,掠夺品,战利品;v. 掠夺,抢劫,抢夺 plunder

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