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中文 英文
拦住 to stop;to block
拦路 to block the way
拦截 to intercept
拦击 to intercept and attack
拦河坝 a dam;a lasher

中文 英文
拦截 head off
n.拦路抢劫的匪徒 gentleman of the pad
n.火灾现场拦路绳 fire line
n.中途夺取;拦截 interception
n. 路劫,拦路强盗 highwayman
n.(摔角的)一种拦腰抛掷 crossbuttock
n. 阻止的人,妨碍者,拦截战斗机 interceptor
n. 拦劫行人的强盗行为,劫盗,无理的讨价 holdup
n. 强夺,拦劫,抢劫;v. 强夺,拦劫,抢劫 heist
n. 截取,妨碍,截距;v. 拦截,阻止,截取;[计 intercept

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